All Hadiths were collected from Sahih Hadith

101.When you visit an invalid tell him to make a supplication for you,for

his supplication is like of the angels.(Ibn Majah).

102.A Muslim has five duties towards another Muslim; to return a salutation,

visit the sick, follow funerals, accept an invitation and say 'God have mercy on you' when one sneezes.(Bukhari, Muslim)


103.There are six good qualities which one believer should display to another; he should visit him when he is ill, be present when he dies, accept his invitation when he gives one, salute him when he meets him, say 'God have mercy on you' when he sneezes and act sincerely towards him whether he is absent or present.(Nasai).

104.One who is riding should salute one who is walking, one who is walking

should salute one who is sitting and a small company should salute a large one.(Bukhari, Muslim).

105.The God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) passed a

mixed company of Muslims, polytheists who worshiped idols and Jews and he gave them a salutation.(Bukhari, Muslim).

106.Those who are nearest to God are they who are first to give a salutation.

(Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud).

107.When you go into your family, sonny, give a salutation. It will be a

blessing both to you and to your family.(Tirmidhi).


108. A man must not make another get up from his place and then occupy it

himself, but you should spread out and make room.(Bukhari, Muslim).

109.If anyone gets up from where he has been sitting and comes back, he has no right to it.(Muslim).

110.It is not allowable for a man to come in between two people without their



111.One who cuts ties of relationship will not enter paradise. (Bukhari, Muslim).

112.The Lord's good pleasure results from a father's good pleasure, and the

Lord's displeasure results from the father's displeasure. (Tirmidhi).

113."Messenger of God, who is most deserving of friendly care from me?" He

(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied, "Your mother." He asked who came next, and He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied, "Your mother." He asked who came next and He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied, "Your mother." He asked who came next and He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied, "Your father."(Bukhari, Muslim).

114."What rights can parents demand from their children?" He (peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him) replied, "They are your paradise and your hell."(Ibn Majah).

115.By Him in Whose hand my soul is, a man does not believe till he likes for

his brother what he likes for himself.(Bukhari, Muslim).

116.Those who are merciful have mercy shown them by the Compassionate One, if

you show mercy to those who are in the earth, He Who is in heaven will show

mercy to you.(Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi).

117.A Muslim is a Muslim's brother; he does not wrong him or abandon him. If

anyone cares for his brother's need, God will care for his need; if anyone

removes his brother's anxiety, God will remove from him one of the anxieties of the Day of Resurrection; and if anyone conceals a Muslim's secret, God will conceal his secret on the Day of Resurrection.(Bukhari, Muslim).

118.He does not belong to us who does not show mercy to our young ones and

respect to our old ones, who does not recommend what is reputable and prohibit what is disreputable.(Tirmidhi).

119.The best house among the Muslims is the one which contains an orphan who is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is the one which contains an orphan who is badly treated.(Ibn Majah120.The believer is not the one who eats his fill when the neighbour beside him is hungry.(Baihaqi).

those dearest to God are the ones who treat His children kindly. (Baihaqi).

122.Touch an orphan's head and feed the poor.(Ahmad).



123.If anyone guarantees me what is between his jaws and what is between his

legs (i.e. he should not commit fornication), I shall guarantee him paradise.(Bukhari).

124.Reviling a Muslim is disobedience to God, and fighting with him is infidelity.(Bukhari, Muslim).

125.It is not fitting for an eminently truthful man to be a reviler.(Muslim)

126.A mischief maker will not enter paradise.(Bukhari, Muslim).

127.Adhere to truth, for truth leads to good deeds and good deeds leads him who does them to paradise. Falsehood is wickedness and wickedness leads to hell.(Muslim).

128.The great liar is not the one who puts things right between people, says

what is good, and promotes what is good.(Bukhari, Muslim).

129.Woe to him who tells things, speaking falsely, to make people laugh thereby! Woe to him! Woe to him!(Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Darimi).

130.Do you know the thing which most commonly brings people into paradise? It is fear to God and good character. Do you know what most commonly brings people to hell? It is the hollow things; the mouth and the private parts. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah).

131.Sufyan bin Abdullah ath Thaqafi told when he asked God's messenger what he feared most for him, he took hold of his tongue and said, "This."(Tirmidhi).

132.None of my companions must tell me anything about anyone, for I like to come out to you with no ill-feelings.(Abu-Dawud).

133.Coarse talk does not come into anything without disgracing it, and modesty does not come into anything without adorning it. (Tirmidhi).

134.If you guarantee me six things on your part, I shall guarantee you paradise: speak the truth when you talk, keep a promise when you make it, when you are trusted with something fulfil your trust, avoid sexual immorality, lower your eyes and restrain your hand from injustice.(Baihaqi).


135.The one who is most honourable in God's estimation is the pious.(Bukhari, Muslim).

136.Do not eulogize me as the Christians eulogized the son of Mary, I am just

His servant, so say, 'God's servant and His messenger.' (Bukhari, Muslim).

137.God has revealed to me that you must be humble, so that no one boasts over another, or oppresses another.(Muslim).

138.Wathila b. al-Asqa told that he asked God's messenger what party spirit was and he replied. "You help your people in wrongdoing. (Abu Dawud).


139.It is not allowable for a man to keep apart from his brother for more than three days, the one turning away and the one turning away when they meet. The better of the two is the one who is first to give a greeting. (Bukhari, Muslim).

140.Avoid envy, for envy devours good deeds just as fire devours fuel.(Abu Dawud).

141.Accursed is he who harms a believer, or acts deceitfully towards him.(Tirmidhi).

142.To harbour good thoughts (about a brother) is a part of well-conducted worship.(Ahmad).


143.He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of good.(Muslim).

144.Righteousness is good character, and sin is that which revolves in your

heart and which you do not want people to know. (Muslim).

145.I have been sent to perfect good character.(Muwatta, Ahmad).

146.Among the best of you [are they] who have the best character.(Bukhari, Muslim).

147.Modesty is part of faith and faith is in paradise, but obscenity is part of hardness of heart and hardness of heart is in hell. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi).

148.O God as Thou hast made my form beautiful so make my character beautiful.(Ahmad).

149.The believers whose faith is most perfect are those who have the best character.(Abu Dawud, Darimi).


150.God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others.(Bukhari, Muslim).

151."If anyone cares for two girls till they grow up, he and I will come on the Day of Resurrection thus," and he joined fingers.(Muslim).

152."I and the one who takes responsibility for an orphan, whether his own kin or of others, will be in paradise thus," and he pointed his forefinger and the middle finger with a slight space between them.(Bukhari).

153."Believers are to one another like a building whose parts support one

other." He then interlaced his fingers.(Bukhari, Muslim).


154.A good or bad companion is like one who carries musk and one who blows the bellow. The one who carries musk may give you some, or you may buy some from him, or you may feel a fragrance from him; but the one who blows the bellows might burn your clothing, or you may feel a bad smell from him.

(Bukhari, Muslim).


155.A believer is not stung twice from the same hole.(Bukhari, Muslim).

156.You have two characters which God likes; gentleness and deliberation. (Muslim).

157. For one who does not stumble and no sage who does not have experience. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi).

158.Consider how a matter will turn out; than if you think its issue will be

good carry on with it, but if you fear going astray hold back(Sharra-as-Sunna).

159. A good way of acting, a good manner of conduct and moderation are

twenty-fifth part of prophecy.(Abu Dawud).

160. When a man tells something and then departs it is trust. (What he told

should be treated confidential).(Muslim).


161. When one of you looks at someone who is superior to him in property and

appearance, he should look at someone who is inferior to him.(Bukhari, Muslim).

162. Seek me among you weak ones, for you are given provision from God, God will be satisfied with few good deeds from him. (Baihaqi).

163. God loves His poor, believing servant who refrains from begging and yet has children. (Ibn Majah).

164. O God, grant me life as a poor man, cause me to die as a poor man, and

resurrect me in the company of the poor.(Tirmidhi, Baihaqi).

165. Abu Dharr said: My friend ordered me to observe seven things. He ordered me to love the poor and be near them; he ordered me to consider my inferior and not consider my superior; he ordered me to join ties of relationship even when relatives are at a distance; he ordered me not to ask anyone for anything; he ordered me to speak the truth even when it is bitter; he ordered me not to fear for God's sake reproach anyone may cast on me; and he ordered me to repeat often, "There is no might and no power except in God," for these words are a part of the treasure under the throne.(Ahmad).


166. The son of Adam becomes decrepit, but two things remain young in him: avidity for property and avidity for life.(Bukhari, Muslim).

167. When you go into your family, sonny, give a salutation. It will " The first thing which effects the well-being of this people is firm belief and asceticism, and the first thing which affects its corruption is niggardliness and (useless) hope. (Baihaqi).

168. God loves the pious rich man who is inconspicuous.(Muslim).


169. God does not look at your forms and possessions, but He looks at your hearts and your deeds.(Muslim).

170. When a man prays publicly in a good manner and prays secretly in a good

manner, God most high says, "This is My servant indeed."(Ibn Majah).


171.The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry.(Bukhari, Muslim).

172. He is a bad man who is proud and puts on airs and forgets the Most Great

and Sublime One.(Tirmidhi, Baihaqi).

173.He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not

enter hell, and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not enter paradise. (Muslim).

174.When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the

anger leaves him, well and good;otherwise he should lie down(Ahmad,Tirmidhi).

175.Abu Huraira reported God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as telling that Moses' son Imran said, "My Lord, who is the greatest of Thy servant in Thy estimation?" and received the reply, "The one who forgives when he is in a position of power. (Baihaqi).


176.Seventy thousand of my people will enter paradise without being taken to

account. They are those who do not use spells or take omens, but put their trust in their Lord. (Bukhari, Muslim).

177.The strong believer is better and dearer to God than the weaker believer. In all that is good be eager for what benefits you, seek help in God, and be not too weak to do so. (Muslim).

178.Abu Dharr reported God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him) as saying he knew a verse which would suffice men if they would but apply it, "For him who fears God He will appoint a way out and He will give him provision from an unimagined source. (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Darimi).

179.Young man, if you are mindful about God He will be mindful of you, and if

you are mindful of God you will find Him before you. When you ask for anything ask it from God, and if you seek help seek in God. Know that if the people were to unite to do you some benefit they could benefit you only with what God had recorded for you and that if they were to unite to do you some injury they could injure you only with what God had recorded for you. The pens are withdrawn and the pages are dry. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi).


180.God grants a respite to the oppressor, but when He finally seizes him, He will not let him escape. (Bukhari, Muslim).

181.Beware of the plea of the oppressed, for he asks God most high only for his due, and God does not keep one who has a right from receiving what is due. (Baihaqi).

182.If anyone walks with an oppressor to strengthen, knowing that he is an

oppressor, he has gone forth from Islam. (Baihaqi).

183.Do not be a people without a will of your own saying: If others treat well you will also treat well and if they do wrong we will do wrong; but accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and do not do wrong if they do evil. (Tirmidhi).

184.Oppression will produce excessive darkness on the Day of Resurrection. (Bukhari, Muslim).

185.He who has done a wrong affecting his brother's honour, or anything else,

must ask for his forgiveness for it now before he will have neither dinar or

dirham. If he has any good deed to his credit it would be out of his credit that the measure of his wrongdoing would be deducted, but if he has done no good deeds it will be taken from the other's evil deeds and laid upon him. (Bukhari).


186.If people knew what I know about the dangers of being alone, no rider would travel alone at night. (Bukhari).

187.God's messenger, Muhammad, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did

not come to his family during the night, but was accustomed to enter only in the morning or in the evening. (Bukhari, Muslim).

188. God's messenger, Muhammad, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to arrive from a journey only in the daytime during the forenoon, and that when he arrived he went first to the mosque where he prayed two Raka's, after which he sat in it and gave audience to the people.

(Bukhari, Muslim).

189. God's messenger, Muhammad, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to keep to the rear when travelling and urge on the weak. He would take some up behind him and would make supplication for them all.(Abu Dawud).

190. The Lord of the people on a journey is their servant, (NOTE 1) and he who precedes them in service will not be preceded by them on account of any deed but martyrdom.(Baihaqi).


191. Anas said: I served the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for ten years and he never said to me, "Shame!" or "Why you do such and such?" or "Why did you not do such and such."(Bukhari, Muslim).

192. Jabir said that when God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked for anything, he never said, "No." (Bukhari, Muslim).

193. A'isha said: God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

used to patch his sandals, sew his garments and conduct himself as anyone of you did in his house. (Tirmidhi).

194. Anas told that when a man had asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of

Allah be upon him) for enough sheep to fill the valley between two mountains and had been given them, went to his people and said, "Accept Islam, my people, for I swear By God that Muhammad gives gifts to such an extent that there is no fear of poverty.(Muslim).

195. Anas said: God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was one of the men in character. One day he sent me to do something, and I said, "I swear by God that I will not go." But in my heart I felt I should go to do what God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has commanded me, so I went out and came upon some boys who were playing in the street. All of a sudden God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who had come up behind caught me by the back of the neck, and when I looked at him he was laughing. He said, "Did you go where I ordered you, little Anas?" "Yes, I am on my way, messenger of God." (Muslim).

196. Abu Huraira told that when God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked to invoke curse on the polytheists he replied, "I was not sent as one given to cursing; I was sent only as a mercy."(Muslim).

197. Al-Aswad told that he asked A'isha what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) use to do in his house, she replied that he used to engage himself in Mihna i.e. the service of his family, and when the time for prayer came, he went out to prayer.(Bukhari).

198. Jabir b. Samura said God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was far from talkative. (He spoke only when he had a good reason for doing so).(Sharra-as-Sunna).

199.If anyone of you sees something objectionable, he should change it with his hand, but if he cannot, he should change it with his tongue, and if he cannot he should do it in his heart, that being the weakest form of faith.


200. Anas told that when God's messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) shook hands with a man, he did not withdraw his hand till the other did so, and he was not seen to put forward his knees in front of one with whom he was sitting.(Tirmidhi)